Frequently Asked Questions.

1. When was and Where is AIP found?

Anchor Intermediary Platform (AIP) was found in 2010 in the city of Nairobi Kenya as its base to serve and link Africa to the world. AIP has offices all over Africa and representatives serving every region of the world like Europe, Middle East, America, Asia and Africa itself.

2. What services does AIP offer?

Anchor Intermediary Platform offers its services in two different categories that is to say Consultancy and Intermediary  which are further broken down into Procurement & Construction, Energy, Finance, Minerals, Sales and Distributorship of Heavy machinery (Earth moving equipment) and Electronics.

3. What is Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC)?

Engineering, Procurement and Construction contracts are forms of contracts used to undertake construction works by the private sector on large-scale and complex infrastructure projects.

4. What Is a Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Contract?

A build-operate-transfer (BOT) contract is a model used to finance large projects, typically infrastructure projects developed through public-private partnerships. The BOT scheme refers to the initial concession by a public entity such as a local government to a private firm to both build and operate the project in question. After a set time frame, typically two or three decades, control over the project is returned to the public entity.